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Marketed under the Ledex brand, Johnson Electric offers a diverse range of rotary and linear solenoids. These industry-leading products include high-speed, short-stroke rotary actuators, such as the BTA and Ultimag series, and long-life, medium-stroke linear actuators, including open frame, tubular and low-profile solenoid product families. Read More

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These extremely high-speed actuation devices provide very long-life operation for the most challenging applications. With an operating life of up to fifty million cycles, a wide variety of sizes and custom engineering for life, speed, environmental conditions and torque requirements, the Rotary DC solenoid is ideal for a variety of markets and applications, including door locks, vending machines, industrial automation and medical diagnostic equipment.

Low Profile Linear DC Solenoids offer an extremely compact design that optimises the magnetic flux path for maximum force versus stroke characteristics. The reliability and high performance of the low-profile design make it an ideal choice for applications in which consistent, reliable operation is critical. Ideal for pumps, packaging equipment and instrumentation & testing equipment.

Johnson Electric’s BTA or Brushless Torque Actuator platform offers high-speed actuation in rotary stroke applications needed in material handling, valve control and high-speed shutter control, among others.

Open Frame Solenoid technology offers an economical design for high volume applications, continuous or intermittent duty and on/off operation common in applications such as vending machines and automated door locks. This technology offers a life of up to 5 million cycles and a variety of size, force and stroke options.

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